Oh! And I realized on Tuesday morning as I was introducing myself at my first interview, that I was so discombobulated on Monday that I neglected to introduce myself to ANY of those of you I met with.
I apologize- I am Amber, or Mrs. Bowden, sometimes called mom or gramma or auntie by the children. I will eventually get all your names down pat but thankfully there is no quiz any time soon!
- Just a reminder, again, not to send nut products in your child's lunch.
- If your child would like to leave a water bottle on the back counter they are welcome to do so. Please make sure their name is on it.
- We will participate in the Terry Fox run on Monday afternoon. If you would like to send a $1 donation, there is a jar in the office.
- Please do not send toys from home to school. They often get lost or broken and then copious amounts of crying ensues. And more crying, followed by yet more crying.
- I will have the VIP & Sharing schedule up soon. If your child is the VIP, there is nothing you need to do. If it is your child's turn for sharing please send them with something interesting to show the class.
- We will be having a fire drill next Friday and we will be practicing in class next week so the children are not frightened.
- School supplies fees go to the office. It is $40 for Kindergarten.
- Information verification forms went home today. Please check that all info is correct and return it to the office.
- Please return the High Five and Chirp subscription forms on Monday, whether you want to subscribe or not- just check the appropriate response.
- October family projects will go home next week and are due back on or before Tuesday Oct.14.
- As the weather gets more unpredictable, please make sure your child has some inside shoes on their shelf to change into.