- Please return library books in their bag by next Monday (Tuesday) for exchange.
- Monday, Oct. 10 is Thanksgiving and therefore a long weekend. Yum!
- Friday, Oct. 14 is our second fire drill. We did very well on our first one.
- Return the Sharing activity for October- a pumpkin- when it is finished please or by Friday, Oct. 14.
- Our first Fresh Air Friday will be Friday, Oct. 14. Please dress your child for the weather. It is often chillier down by the river. We will be dirty and tired!
- Tuesday, Oct. 18 we will participate in a bus safety presentation at the school, complete with a real bus!
- Wednesday, Oct. 19 is an early dismissal day for informal reports and parent/ teacher meetings if need be. We'll let you know what those will look like closer to the date.
- Wednesday, Oct. 19 is our whole class photo day and retakes for individual pictures. Please send us a note if you need your child to have their photos retaken.
- Friday, Oct. 21 is a Pro D Day and Team Awesome will be home while we learn to be better teachers.
- Monday, Oct. 24 is our visit to the pumpkin patch. The permission form went home this week and is due back by Friday, Oct. 21. The cost per child is $12 and $5 for adults joining us. Payment may be made online. Our return time is approximately 12:45 NOT 2:45.
- Monday, Oct. 31 is Halloween and we will participate in various activities. A post will more info will come closer to the date.
- Please return your child's Take Home zipper bag to school with them each morning. Any items that need to be sent to the office can be returned in the bag.
- If your child is exhibiting illness symptoms of any kind they must be kept home. Thank you. A box of tissues for our learning space would be appreciated.
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Mrs. Bowden &