If you would like to set up a casual meeting, or just come with your child to see what we've been doing in our learning spaces, we will be happy to do that. We will have our learning spaces open from 12:45-4:00 on Wednesday Oct. 19. Just contact us sometime before Tuesday Oct. 18th and let us know you'll be dropping by. If you just need a very quick check-in and aren't available on Wednesday, that can be done outside at pick up/ dismissal time or another time that is convenient for you.
What can you help with at home? We are just beginning to introduce sight words and those will be listed on every Friday Housekeeping post starting this week so you can practice at home if you wish. We have also begun our introduction to the letter names and the sounds they make and the children will bring home a coloured picture with a song at the bottom to discuss/ practice most weeks. And any little paper books that come home that the children have been practicing in school and coloured can also be read a few times to family members to gain fluency (ie Chester Loves School). We are learning how to be good game partners and beginning to play couples' math games with dice- skills which are easily transferable to family game night.