Last week Team Awesome took a walk outside to look for signs of winter. We used our senses to see, hear, smell and feel signs of winter and then compared them to the signs of fall we had seen. We consider ourselves lucky to be reminded by the children on a daily basis how much joy there is in little things. They were all so thrilled to look at snow and describe how it sparkled, to stomp on the ice and think about whether it was soft or hard, to run their hands over the ice and snow and to sit still for a minute to listen to what winter sounds like. They were enthusiastic to be outside and breathing the cool air into their lungs and looking to see if it made clouds as we breathed it out. And of course, the children didn't need to be asked to taste the snow and many had eaten a bellyful before we were finished. The next time you're outside, just for a second, appreciate some signs of winter and capture a bit of the pleasure we felt just being outdoors. If there is still snow for Fresh Air Friday next week (Jan. 19), and not slop or too much ice, we would like to go sledding. We might be able to borrow a few sleds and share them between all the children but if your child has a tobaggan that they are able to carry themselves (or drag on a rope) they are welcome to bring it. Please be aware that they will have to be willing to share it and there is always the possibility of damage. Please put your child's name on the sled and then store it outside our classroom until we leave after recess. If the snow has melted or it is too icy we will forego the sledding and just go down to the river to do some winter exploring. We will update our plans closer to the end of next week. Please dress your child for a morning spent outside in the weather- extra mittens are a good idea as they are often soggy after recess play.
The North Kamloops Library is piloting a new Sensory Storytime this winter. Patrons will register for a 6-week session from February 1st to March 15th. Registration can be done through their website -
Mrs. Bowden &