- Tuesday is library day. Please send back books so we can get new ones.
- The mask mandate for schools will be rescinded after Spring break however you are still welcome to continue to send your child to school with a mask each day.
- Toys are coming to school in pockets and backpacks and causing issues at school. Please remind your child to leave their toys/ special items at home.
- Spring break begins on Saturday, Mar. 19 with a return to school Monday, April 4. Enjoy!
- The Sharing Project for April is due back April 4 or when it is done. Have fun!
- City of Kamloops will be sharing a recycle presentation with us Weds. April 6.
- Thursday, April 7 is SD 73's Day of Sucwentwecw.
- Friday April 15 is Good Friday and Team Awesome will be at home.
- Monday April 18 is Easter Monday and the Team will be home that day as well.
- The March newsletter for BEST can be found here.
- Please have Team Awesome read any little paper books that come home (approximately 1 per week) multiple times for practice/ fluency. Thank you.
- Check out what Mrs. Phillips is doing with Team Awesome here.
- Scholastic flyers are available online monthly. April's is available here. Our class code is RC210022.
- The sight words we are learning right now: all, boy, his, girl, not, some, that, what, play. Please feel free to practice at home.
Comments are closed.
Mrs. Bowden &