- Don't forget to send the library books back by Monday next week and your child will put it in the Library Box on their way in. All library books will be due to the library on Monday, Dec. 12 for inventory.
- Tuesday, Dec. 13 is our dress rehearsal afternoon for the Christmas Concert. We will be perfoming on stage in front of the school and then staying in the gym to watch the other classes perform.
- Wednesday, Dec. 7 is our Christmas concert. There will be a performance at 1:00 as well as at 6:00 so please send your child's costume with them or have them wear it. Please have your child in our classroom no later than 5:55 but not before 5:45 for the evening performance. They will spend the performance time in our classroom other than when we are on stage so you can pick them up from me when you are ready to leave.
- Friday, Dec. 16 is Pajama Day and we will be participating in multi-age group activities with a Christmas focus between recess and lunch. There is a rumour abut a special activity in the gym for part of the afternoon as well.
- Thank you for supporting the B.E.S.T PAC Christmas Gift Shop. The children were very excited to shop for their families and it was very popular.
- Thank you as well for your donations of Arts and Crafts items to put into the PAC raffle basket. Tickets for the raffle baskets will be on sale in the library before the Christmas concert next Wednesday.
- The PAC will be holding a bake sale in the library the same evening as the Concert and is looking for donations of baked goods. A notice with more info went home this week.
- Report cards went home last week. Please keep the report and sign and return the envelope so it can be used for the next report card in the spring.
- A reminder that we return to school after the holidays on Tuesday, Jan. 3.
- Zipped up coat weather is here and a number of the children cannot do them up themselves. Please practice zipping at home and putting on snowpants/ boots/gloves/mittens too.
- December sight words are: but, friend, give, good, in, look, up, want. If a word comes up repeatedly in our studies we will sometimes add it to our words for the month. Please feel free to practice them at home.
Every year in December I think I am holding up well. I seem to have plenty of energy and things are zipping along smoothly (mostly) and I feel I could continue in the same vein for at least three weeks more before I need a break. And, for the most part, I often think the children feel the same way..... until that last week before holidays. That last week with the performances and extra activities and excitement and demands on our attention really takes it out of us. The busyness gradually takes its toll and we (both the children and I) are completely spent by the end of Thursday and have one more day to go. I cannot tell you how grateful I will be that I do not have to get up and get dressed next Friday but can arrive at school in my PJs and collapse on my couch at the end of the day (to remain there for the following 2 days) wearing the same thing. I am fairly certain many Team Awesome members will feel the same way.
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Mrs. Bowden &