- Jaden loves his Skylander lunch kit, Jackson showed us his Birthday Boy button and Ciara has a some interesting rocks in a tiny tin.
- Monday is our last library book exchange day. We will also peruse the Scholastic Book Fair that day. All library books are due Monday, June 13, and there will be no more sign-outs for this school year.
- Scholastic book orders went home last week and were due today, Friday, June 3. If you would still like to order some summer reading, hand the order in and I will make sure to send it off.
- Tuesday, June 7, we have Reading Buddies with Mrs. Weber's class.
- Wednesday, June 8, an ambulance and attendants will be here so we can take a peek and have some questions answered.
- Thursday, June 9, both Team Awesome and Mrs. Farber's Friends will have a small play to present to our parents. Our presentation time is 11:30 and it is in our classroom. Invites with more information went out yesterday.
- Friday, June 10, is Pizza Day if your child has placed an order.
- There will be a Scholastic Book Fair in the library from Monday, June 6, to Thursday, June 9.
- If you have not returned the permission slip for our gymnastics trips to TRU please do so as soon as possible.
- Sight words for June: boy girl friend good give saw they went why
- As usual, if you find any school scissors around at home please send them back to school. We are down to 9 pairs and still have some cutting to do before the end of June.