- Bentley had some lovely rocks and Aeverie loves her sports air horn.
- Monday is our library book exchange day.
- PAC Pizza Day order forms are due Monday, May 2, with the pizza delivered on Friday, May 6.
- We have another RCMP visit with Cst. Winkels on Wednesday, May 4.
- Family Projects for May are due Friday, May 6, if they have not yet been returned.
- We will be inviting our moms (gramma, auntie etc if mom can't attend) to our classroom on Friday, May 6, from 8:30-9:00 a.m. for Moms & Muffins and a little one-on-one Mother's Day time.
- Mrs. Farber and I are looking for items the children can take apart (computers, telephones, stereos, what-have-you) for the May 13 Fresh Air Friday.
We had the pleasure once again today to have BEST's very own skipping wonder team, The Skiptastics, perform for the school as part of our Jump Rope For Heart kick-off. I love watching Team Awesome's faces light up and their mouths drop open when they see a particularly tricky move performed. And of course they all want to join when they are in grade three and skipping during recess and lunch will be popular next week (complete with fancy footwork). Not only have the students on the team worked hard but the sponsor teachers, Miss Duquette and Mrs. Phillips, have worked hard as well and the results prove it. Good show!
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Mrs. Bowden &