- Bentley had some lovely rocks and Aeverie loves her sports air horn.
- Monday is our library book exchange day.
- PAC Pizza Day order forms are due Monday, May 2, with the pizza delivered on Friday, May 6.
- We have another RCMP visit with Cst. Winkels on Wednesday, May 4.
- Family Projects for May are due Friday, May 6, if they have not yet been returned.
- We will be inviting our moms (gramma, auntie etc if mom can't attend) to our classroom on Friday, May 6, from 8:30-9:00 a.m. for Moms & Muffins and a little one-on-one Mother's Day time.
- Mrs. Farber and I are looking for items the children can take apart (computers, telephones, stereos, what-have-you) for the May 13 Fresh Air Friday.