A landmark report from the United Nations’ scientific panel on climate change paints a far more dire picture of the immediate consequences of climate change than previously thought and says that avoiding the damage requires transforming the world economy at a speed and scale that has “no documented historic precedent.”
The report, issued by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a group of scientists convened by the United Nations to guide world leaders, describes a world of worsening food shortages and wildfires, and a mass die-off of coral reefs as soon as 2040 — a period well within the lifetime of much of the global population.
- We took out new library books this week and they are due back for exchange by next Tuesday.
- We have scheduled two skating sessions the last two Thursdays of January. If your child does not have skates they are welcome to borrow them from the school but the sizes might be off and they are a kijillion years old so not terribly warm or comfortable. This is a good time to start looking in secondhand shops for something suitable as the school books skating time for all classes every year. More info to come.
- Skating permission forms came home this week and are due with $4.00 by Friday, Jan. 18.
- BEST PAC is sponsoring a pasta lunch in January. If you are interested in ordering a pasta lunch for your child, the forms are due into the office by Friday, Jan. 11 with lunch delivered on Friday, Jan. 18.
- January Family Projects are due whenever they are finished.
- Scholastic orders came home this week and are due next Thursday, Jan. 17. If you spend $30 or more online, use the code CLIFFORD and pick a free book ($6 or less).
- February lunch orders will come home on Monday and are due to the office by Friday, Jan. 25.
- BEST PAC is sponsoring a hot dog lunch and the order forms will come home next week. Orders are due to the office by Monday, Jan. 28 with hot dogs delivered Friday, Feb. 1.
- Kindergarten registration for BEST for the 2019 school year opens on Jan 28th. This registration is not first come, first served.
- We reviewed December sight words this week and they are: but, friend, give, good, in, look, up, see, want. If a word comes up repeatedly in our studies we will sometimes add it to our words for the month. Please feel free to practice them at home.
- BEST monthly newsletter can be found here.