- Jaden had a two-headed dragon and Ciara loves her glow-in-the-dark slime and bouncy balls.
- Monday is our library book exchange day.
- May lunch order forms are due to the office by Wednesday, April 27.
- Wednesday, April 27, will be busy as it is not only Pink Shirt Day but we also have a visit from Cpl Sofie Winkels to review pedestrian and bike safety as well as an afternoon assembly.
- Friday, April 29, is a Fresh Air Friday but it is very possible the river will be too high and we will have to keep our activities on the school grounds. We also have a Jump Rope For Heart presentation from the BEST skipping team that afternoon.
- Mrs. Farber and I are looking for items the children can take apart (computers, telephones, stereos, what-have-you) for the May 13 Fresh Air Friday.
- PAC Pizza Day order forms are due Monday, May 2, with the pizza delivered on Friday, May 6.