- Monday, April 24 there is no school due to an NI day (Team Awesome will be home while I am in school). Please return library books for Tuesday.
- Wednesday, April 26 BEST will be having a morning assembly to host the author Willie Sellars who wrote the book 'Dipnetting With Dad'.
- Thursday, April 27 is an early 12:30 dismissal day due to parent/ teacher interviews. If you would like to see me to discuss your child, please let me know.
- Friday, April 28 is a Fresh Air Friday. Please dress your child appropriately.
- The Family Project for May (a flower) went home this week and is due Friday, May 5 or whenever it is finished.
- The PAC sent home an order form for Penguin Meats this week. Your orders are due April 27 with delivery May 16.
- May lunch orders went home and are due back Wednesday, April 26. Please note there is a PAC pizza order form on the bottom that is due Monday, May 1.
- Jump Rope For Heart donation envelopes went home this week as well and are due to myself or the office by Friday, May 12.
- The BEST newsletter can be found here. Look under Site News.
- We are practicing our sight words for April. They are: all, boy, his, girl, not, some, that, what. If a word comes up repeatedly in our studies we will sometimes add it to our words for the month.