- Monday, April 24 there is no school due to an NI day (Team Awesome will be home while I am in school). Please return library books for Tuesday.
- Wednesday, April 26 BEST will be having a morning assembly to host the author Willie Sellars who wrote the book 'Dipnetting With Dad'.
- Thursday, April 27 is an early 12:30 dismissal day due to parent/ teacher interviews. If you would like to see me to discuss your child, please let me know.
- Friday, April 28 is a Fresh Air Friday. Please dress your child appropriately.
- The Family Project for May (a flower) went home this week and is due Friday, May 5 or whenever it is finished.
- The PAC sent home an order form for Penguin Meats this week. Your orders are due April 27 with delivery May 16.
- May lunch orders went home and are due back Wednesday, April 26. Please note there is a PAC pizza order form on the bottom that is due Monday, May 1.
- Jump Rope For Heart donation envelopes went home this week as well and are due to myself or the office by Friday, May 12.
- The BEST newsletter can be found here. Look under Site News.
- We are practicing our sight words for April. They are: all, boy, his, girl, not, some, that, what. If a word comes up repeatedly in our studies we will sometimes add it to our words for the month.
Parent/ teacher interviews (I know!) are on Thursday of next week so it will be a 12:30 dismissal day. It has been under two months since the last one and spring break was in there, meaning we have had about six learning weeks, with a few short ones, since I 'officially' saw you last. If you would like to see me next Thursday, just let me know and we will make arrangements. If you would like to see me but are unable to come on Thursday, alternate arrangements can be made.
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Mrs. Bowden &