- Please return your child's Take Home zipper bag to school with them each morning. Any items that need to be sent to the office can be returned in the bag.
- Please ensure that your child's name is on everything they bring to school- shoes, backpacks, coats, lunch bags, mittens etc.
- Sharing began this week and we learned a bit about a few of our new friends. Our first theme is All About Me. Please return the sheet given to you at your interview when it is done. If it has been misplaced, let us know so we can send another one.
- Thursday Sept. 23 is our first fire drill practice as a school. We will practice multiple times as a class before that day.
- We will participate in the Terry Fox Run at BEST on Friday, Sept. 24. If you would like, send a Toonie for Terry in the Take Home zipper bag.
- Monday, Sept. 27 is an NI day which means there is no school for students.
- We will begin our library time Tuesday, September 28 with Ms. Kipp. The children will each bring home one book >VERY exciting!<.
- Thursday, Sept. 30 is our first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. There will be no school.
- School supply fees are due into the office if you haven't already sent them. Check with Ms. Ladouceur for cost for each grade. As of Monday you can pay online. Check the BEST school website for info.
- Please send a water bottle with your child's name on it in their packs. They will be returned home each day for washing. Our fountains are off limits for drinking.
- Although we are not in cold/flu season yet, it is coming. If your child is exhibiting symptoms of any kind they must be kept home. A box of tissues for our learning spaces would be welcome.
- A reminder to send a pair of headphones for your child to use with the iPads. Please put them in a labelled ziplock bag to help keep them organized. Earbuds are often not the best choice.
Team Awesome did so well for their first partial week. We are so proud of them! Please give them kudos at home for their good listening ears, helping hands and inside voices. Sometimes applying these concepts immediately is difficult for little peeps but Team Awesome did a great job. We have talked every day about being a team and working together and taking care of our school family just as we would our home family and Team Awesome worked very hard on doing all those things this week. Does that mean we won't revisit those ideas almost daily and need reminders? Nope. But it is an awesome start to our Kindergarten year.
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Mrs. Bowden &