- Don't forget to send library books back for exchange by Tuesday.
- Please note the final date for ordering photos with free shipping is Oct. 23. More info in the October BEST newsletter.
- Permission forms for Sunset Farms need to be returned ASAP with $10.00 for our trip next week.
- Tuesday, Oct. 22 is our visit to the Sunset Farms pumpkin patch. You are welcome to join us. See previous post for more information.
- Don't forget our Open House Tuesday, Oct. 22 and Wednesday Oct. 23 at pick up time.
- Wednesday, Oct. 23 is an early dismissal day with the children needing to be picked up at 12:30 due to parent meetings. Stay for a bit and see what we have been up to.
- Friday, Oct. 25 is an NI Day and Team Awesome will get to stay home and rest.
- Monday, Oct. 28 BEST will attend the last Young People's Concert at Sagebrush Theatre. Permission forms were sent home this week. Please return by Oct. 24.
- Thursday, Oct. 31 will see us participating in Halloween activities. More info closer to the date.
- Please have Team Awesome read any little paper books that come home (approximately 1 per week) multiple times for practice. Thank you.
- The October sight words are: am, to, my, for, was, is, Mom. Please feel free to practice them at home. We will practice them regularly in class.
- Please send October's Family Projects back as they are finished.
- BEST PAC would like to host a Christmas Craft Fair on Sunday, Nov. 12 and is looking for parents who would like to rent a table. They will be giving vendors/crafters who attended the last year first spots then opening up Tuesday October 15 to the public. Register at [email protected] or call Amanda at 778-220-0113 for more information.
- It is zipped-up coat weather and some of us are struggling. Could you please practice zipping zippers at home. Thank you!
- Please remember to label all outdoor items as best you can.
- Lost outdoor items can be found in the Lost & Found bin by the parking lot doors.