- Lakaya shared a tiny unicorn, Seth showed us his new lunch kit, Jackson had a winter toque and Keyton loves his green and blue backpack.
- Lunch orders for December are due to the office Wednesday, Nov. 25.
- Wednesday, Nov. 25 is Pink Shirt Day as well as our trip to the Big Little Science Centre.
- The last book orders before the holidays went home today and are due back Friday, Nov. 27. If you would prefer to have an order delivered straight to you rather than your child, please let me know.
- Mrs. Villeneuve's class would like to sell moustaches for Movember on Monday, Nov. 30. They are little paper moustaches on a popsicle stick, selling at 25 cents each. This is a fund raiser and part of their goal to contribute to our community.
- December projects went home on Tuesday and are due about Dec. 1.
- Pizza orders are due Thursday, Dec. 3 for a pizza lunch on Friday, Dec. 11. A reminder that this is not a free lunch but costs $4 for pizza/ drink.
- If you have not yet paid school fees, they are due at the office.
- Permission slips for our trip to the Big Little Science Centre are due today if you haven't returned it already. Please don't forget to put your child's name on the form.
- Our next Fresh Air Friday is Friday, Dec. 4.
- The newest BEST newsletter can be found here.
- If you find some of our missing scissors, would you please send them back to school. We are also missing 4 or 5 coloured plastic spoons.
- Mr. Hembling and Ms. McKenna will be selling BEST t-shirts and hoodies in the office every Monday at lunch for the month of November. T-shirts are $10 and hoodies are $25.
- The weather is getting downright chilly so please don't forget hats and mittens (labelled if possible) as the children are expected to play outside at recess and lunch.
- Congratulations to Azaan and his family on the birth of baby Ibraheem and thank you so much for sharing the Ladoo with us. It was yummy!
I am a creature of routine. I approach change slowly and with plenty of thought. I don't like things sprung on me and need days, sometimes weeks, to warm up to new things. Why am I telling you this? Because last week the trusty, familiar, old cranky computer mentioned in a previous post refused to turn on. No matter how often I jabbed the power button with increasing force and panic it refused to power up. Not even when I used the usually magical-seeming trick of pulling out the battery and putting it back in. I thought my head was going to explode (for all sorts of reasons, 11,000 photos not the least). Not only would I be forced to buy a new computer before I was comfortable with the idea but I would actually have to USE it without letting it sit on the table in the box unopened for a few weeks (months?) while I wrapped my head around it. And although my learning curve for all the new stuff on the up-to-date computer is steep, there are some cool perks. Isn't that true of most upgrades?
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Mrs. Bowden &