- Don't forget to send library books back for exchange on Thursday. Just take them out of the special library book bag and drop them (with the bag) into the labelled container inside our classroom door.
- Monday, Oct. 9 is Thanksgiving and BEST will be closed. Enjoy!
- Cst Winkels has had to change her visit from Oct. 16 to Oct. 11. She will be introducing us to the WITS program.
- Thursday, Oct. 12 is Rivers Day and all of BEST will be attending presentations down at the river. Further info has been sent.
- Wednesday, Oct. 18 is an early dismissal time of 12:30 due to parent/teacher interviews. We will have an Open House in kindergarten. More information is coming.
- Thursday, Oct. 19 is our first lock down drill.
- Friday, Oct. 20 is a non-instructional day and Team Awesome will stay home.
- Please have Team Awesome read any little paper books that come home (approximately 1 per week) multiple times for fluency practice. Thank you.
- The first set of sight words are: I, a, like, the, you, no. Please feel free to practice them at home. We will practice them regularly in class.
- Please send back Family Projects as they are finished. October Projects went home this week (pumpkin). Someone dropped theirs on the floor but I'm not sure who.
- The BEST PAC coupon books are due ASAP. If you have not paid for a coupon book and kept it, please either send it back or send $10 to the office. PAC will have an English Bay cookie dough fundraiser at the end of October.
- BEST monthly newsletter can be found HERE.
- Please do not send toys or Pokemon cards from home to school. They often get lost or broken and then copious amounts of crying ensues. And more crying, followed by yet more crying.
- If your child seems to have misplaced a notice, I pin all extras to our hallway bulletin board- help yourself.
- BEST PAC would like to host a Christmas Craft Fair on Sunday, Nov. 12 and is looking for parents who would like to rent a table. Register at [email protected] or call Amanda at 778-220-0113 for more information.
- It is quickly becoming 'zipped up coat' season and a large number of the children need help. Please practice with them at home.
- Lost sweaters/ coats can be found in the Lost & Found bin by the parking lot doors.
- Last chance! Please see the previous post for how you can support our BEST library by donating books through Chapters Indigo from September 16 through to October 8.
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Mrs. Bowden &