- Keyton shared a Minion toy, Seth had an Iron Man cap and Jackson drove his tiny John Deere tractor.
- Monday, Oct. 12 is Thanksgiving. Enjoy!
- Our O Canada recording will happen the morning of Tuesday, Oct. 13.
- Wednesday, Oct. 14 is our Road Safety presentation with the BEST RCMP liaison officer, Sofie Winkels.
- Wednesday, Oct. 14, will also be our first lock down drill. I will be discussing it with Team Awesome next Tuesday.
- Student photos have been moved from Monday, Oct. 19 to Tuesday, Oct. 20.
- Family Projects are due Oct. 19 (or whenever they are finished) NOT Oct. 26 as it says on the posted calendar.
- Tuesday Oct. 20 & Wednesday Oct. 21 are early dismissal days for parent/teacher interviews. Please pick up your child at 12:30. A yellow interview form came home today and must be returned if you would like to schedule an appointment.
- If your child arrives late to school, please sign them in at the office before coming to class. If you will be taking your child early, please check them out from the office as well.
- Mrs. Farber and I have booked a field trip to a pumpkin patch on Monday, Oct. 26. The permission forms went home this week and are due back with $5.00 Oct. 19.
- Unfortunately, a large number of the PAC fundraiser coupon books as well as money and orders were stolen from the school. If you placed an order and did not receive it, please make the office aware.
- The BEST October newsletter can be found here.