- Please return the library books in their special bag by next Tuesday at the latest for exchange.
- Our Sharing/ Family Projects are due when they are finished. It is a patterned tree. Let us know if you need another one. Have fun!
- Do you have leftover Halloween candy languishing in the cupboard? Looking to be done with it? We are making a fun Christmas surprise treat on Dec. 17th that requires some smallish candies if you wish to send some you already have around. Thanks!
- Scholastic flyers are available online monthly. November's is available here. All Scholastic orders are done online and orders sent directly to your home. Our class code is RC210022.
- Thank you for your donations to our class basket for the PAC Christmas Basket Raffle! The last day to buy tickets is Dec 9th. PAC will choose the winning tickets on Dec 9th. A notice went home today with more info and tickets. Good luck!
- The PAC sponsored a Purdy's Chocolate Fundraiser Nov. 22 - 26th. Pease send in your last minute orders ASAP as we have a few extras!
- Be a Hunger Hero! Donations of food items are being collected by BEST for the Salvation Army between Nov. 29- Dec. 10. Thank you for supporting our community!
- On Thursday, December 2 from 6:30- 8:00pm SD 73 is sponsoring a parent session on parenting an anxious child. See here for more info and to register.
- Friday, Dec. 3 is PAC pizza day if you ordered lunch for your child.
- Friday, Dec. 3 is a possible Fresh Air Friday. We will confirm next week.
- Monday, Dec. 6 is an N.I. day and Team Awesome will stay home.
- The November newsletter for BEST can be found here.
- Please have Team Awesome read any little paper books that come home (approximately 1 per week) multiple times for practice/ fluency. Thank you.
- It is 'zipped up' coat and mitten/ glove season. Please practice with them at home.
- Check out what Mrs. Phillips is doing with Team Awesome here.
- The sight words we are learning right now: at, and, do, from, go, he, she, stop. . Please feel free to practice at home.