- Grayson showed us a Sponge Bob van, Dorian had a Leap Pad, Shaye shared her heart bracelet and Emilia loves her egg shaker.
- Please sign and return the report card envelopes but keep the reports.
- We began selecting Take Home books this week. Your child should be able to read some of the words in the books they choose. Please encourage them to read as much of the book independently as possible.
- There are a number of spoons/forks hanging outside our classroom door. Please take them if they belong to you.
- Tuesday, April 7, please send in Family Projects (kites). We also have an assembly at 10:45 on Tuesday. Feel free to attend.
- Book orders are due Wednesday, April 8.
- Next Friday, April 10, is Fresh Air Friday.
- Early dismissal (12:30) on Thursday, April 16 due to parent/ teacher interviews.
- Please consider signing up to attend our You Can count On Me session on the morning of Friday, April 24. It will address ways you can help your child with math at home and the children will take an assortment of math items home, which the PAC has donated. If you are unable to attend, uncles, aunts, grandparents, older siblings etc are welcome.