- Monday, Sept. 23, is an NI Day so there is no school for the children.
- Don't forget to send library books back for exchange by Tuesday. Just take them out of the special library book bag and drop them (with the bag) into the labelled container inside our classroom door.
- Lunch orders for October came home and are due to the office by Sept. 25. A PAC Pizza lunch form also came home and is due back Sept 27 with pizza served Oct. 4.
- Our second fire drill is Friday, Sept. 27.
- Orange Shirt Day is Monday, Sept. 30.
- School photos are Tuesday, Oct. 1. We are usually first so we can keep neat and tidy for our pictures (but no guarantees).
- Order forms for BEST clothing came home this week but there was no due date on it. They are due Friday, Oct. 18. There will only be one order this year and no late orders can be accepted.
- We have begun sharing our Family Projects. Please feel free to send them back as they are finished.
- The BEST PAC has sent home our first fundraiser- coupon books. If you would like to buy one, just keep the one that was sent home with your child and return $10 in the envelope. If you would like more than one, there is an order form inside the envelope. If you do not want any of the coupon books, please return it to the office in the envelope it was sent home in. Thanking you in advance for your support.
- School supplies fees can be paid at the office.
- Buddy Bags do not usually go home over long weekends (but sometimes I forget and schedule them).
- Please do not send toys from home to school. They often get lost or broken and then copious amounts of crying ensues. And more crying, followed by yet more crying.
- I often copy things on papers that were already copied on and discarded so if there is something on the back of your child's paper that seems odd that will be why.
- If your child seems to have misplaced a notice, I pin extras to our hallway bulletin board- help yourself or ask me for another copy.
- It is chilly when we go out for recess so please remember to send sweaters/ coats.
- Lost sweaters/ coats can be found in the Lost & Found bin by the parking lot doors.
- Thank you for donating to the Terry Fox Run.