Today is the day! The 'official' last day of Kindergarten. All through last week and into the beginning of this one I had hopes that Team Awesome would spend it together in our classroom and celebrate the end of Kindergarten. Celebrate all the great things we did together, the friendships we made and our personal gains both social and academic. Celebrate how much we have grown physically and mentally. And to say goodbye to the year and to each other.
Although the planned and much anticipated celebration did not happen, I have spent most of the day thinking about Team Awesome and what a great year we had and how ready they are to move on to grade one. I know that you will all be celebrating at home and that a lack of being together today does not diminish the great joy and pride we have for every member of Team Awesome.
Every year, it is hard to say goodbye to my class and this year is no different, although the ending to the year was unusual. I will still see them next year and often remind them (and myself) that this leaving is not a goodbye, but a farewell. Many of them will come back to visit and to share things with me, wave hello in the hall and chat during recess. The last day of school often sees myself, and sometimes a few of the children, in tears and I am choking up as I write this. I want to send each Team Awesome member a big hug and wish them a safe and happy summer and good luck in grade one. Saying goodbye only takes a moment, but those goodbyes are filled with so many wonderful memories.
Go forth and Be Awesome!!!