It is the policy of School District No. 73 (Kamloops/Thompson) and Bert Edwards Science & Technology School that “Students are expected to dress in a manner that reflects purpose and propriety”. Students at Bert Edwards Science & Technology School are expected to use the following guidelines when selecting their school wardrobe:
•Dress in an appropriate fashion for school.
•Clothing shall not distract from the teaching / learning situation.
•Clothing with offensive words, slogans, or pictures are considered inappropriate.
•Clothing, insignias, symbols or adornments that promotes alcohol, drugs or tobacco products are not appropriate.
•Clothing which features phrases / pictures of a sexual nature or phrases / pictures that are derogatory regarding a person's ethical background, national origin, religious belief, sexual orientation or disability are not appropriate.
•Clothing should fit the individual without showing underwear or revealing too much.
•Tube tops, halter tops, muscle shirts, athletic vests or spaghetti straps are not appropriate dress for school.
•Shorts and skirts should be worn at a length that reaches approximately half-way down the thigh.
•It is expected that students wear proper footwear at school, suitable for physical activities. Flip-flops (aka "thongs") are considered beachwear and are not appropriate.
•Clothing should be in good repair with no revealing rips or tears and should not be see-through.
•Hats, hoodies, bandannas and other forms of head coverings are not to be worn in school under normal circumstances.
•Gym strip should be appropriate and as specified by the school.
•A neat personal appearance and clean hygiene are expectations of students in our school.
Thank you for your help ensuring that your child is dressed appropriately for a successful day at school. Students dressed inappropriately will be required to change clothes or to cover up. Repeated failure to comply with the school dress code may result in disciplinary consequences. If you are uncertain as to whether a particular piece of clothing is appropriate for school, please check with your child's teacher or with school administration.