![]() Team Awesome did well for their first partial week. I am so proud of them! Please give them kudos at home for their good listening ears, helping hands and (mostly) inside voices. Sometimes applying these concepts immediately is difficult for little peeps but Team Awesome did a great job. We have talked every day about being a team and working together and taking care of our school family just as we would our home family and Team Awesome worked very hard on doing all those things this week. Does that mean we won't revisit those ideas almost daily and need reminders for the rest of the year? Nope. But it is an awesome start to their Kindergarten year.
The BEST PAC has sent home our first fundraiser of the year today- coupon books- but I noticed there were no instructions with the envelope, just an order form. If you would like to buy a book of coupons keep the one that was sent home with your child and return $10 in the envelope. If you would like more than one booklet, there is an order form inside the envelope to fill in and return to the office by the due date on the front. The extra books will be delivered to you at a later date. If you do not want any of the coupon books, please return the book sent home today to the office in the envelope it was given in by the due date. If you have any questions, please call the office (250-376-2205). Thanking you in advance for your support of BEST and our students.
![]() As you all know, the Terry Fox Run is a non-competitive event where people get together as individuals, families, and groups to raise money for cancer research in Terry's name. It is a day of celebrating Terry's legacy and helping to keep alive his dream of finding a cure for cancer. BEST, and the other schools in SD 73, participate as well by providing time for students to learn about Terry Fox and participate in a school- sponsored run. Our Terry Fox Run will take place Friday Sept. 13, just before lunch. The school will gather in the gym for a short assembly at 11:15ish, which will include a warm-up activity led by some of BEST's staff, before heading outside to run. The intermediate students have a route that takes them to Schubert Dr. while the primaries run around the school grounds, staying inside the fence. If you would like to send a toonie for Terry there will be a labeled donation container in the office, or I can collect it in our classroom. You are also more than welcome to join us for the event if you are able. By participating, you will help share Terry’s example of courage, strength and hope. This year, BEST has a goal of raising $300.00 for cancer research which is just over $1.00 per student. Mr. Law has given us a jump on the goal with a personal donation. Let's go BEST! I will be inviting you via email to share an album of all the photos I have taken of the children on Google Photos every month. Keeping them sorted by month makes it easier when searching for a specific picture. Once I have downloaded them you will be able to peruse them at your leisure and download, save and/or print all of your favourites to your own computer without altering the album in any way. I will continue to add pictures to special events as well as make videos, which will also be shared with you in Google. Don't forget to share your favourites with family!
Mrs. Bowden &