- Please send library books back in their special bag by Monday for exchange.
- Please return signed report card envelopes for reuse last term. Thank you!
- April Family Projects went home (a kite) and are due when they are done. Have fun!
- Monday, April 15 BEST will participate in a fire drill. Only 2 more to go!
- Friday, April 19 is a PAC Movie Night. See posters for more info.
- Friday, April 19 is a possible Fresh Air Friday. We will confirm closer to the date.
- Monday, April 22 is a non-instructional day and Team Awesome will stay home. It is also Earth Day!
- Both school and PAC lunch orders for May are due back Tuesday, April 23.
- Find information and order from the BEST spring plant fundraiser here. Order deadline is Thursday, April 25.
- Please remember that items such as toys from home should not come to school. Thank you!
- Scholastic flyers are available here. All Scholastic orders can be done online whenever you like. Our class code is RC210022.
- Please have Team Awesome read any little paper books that come home (approximately 1 per week) multiple times for practice/ fluency. Thank you.
- Sight words we are learning in class: because, fun, here, jump, make, play, why. Please feel free to practice together at home.
- Newsletters are paperless and can be found on the BEST website at best.sd73.bc.ca.
- If your child is exhibiting illness symptoms of any kind they must be kept home. Thank you.
On April 5, schools across SD 73 held assemblies and activities to honour and recognize Secwepemc and Nlaka'Pamux territory as well as other First Nations and Aboriginal groups. In Kamloops Thompson School District this is now known as the "Day of Sucwentwecw." Sucwentwecw (sook-went-wa) means to acknowledge one another. During this day a number of events, activities and gatherings were held to recognize the Secwepemc and Nlaka'Pamux Nation and to teach students and staff about the traditional aboriginal and First Nations people, their histories and the territories SD 73 now occupies. The theme for this year's Day of Sucwentwecw was 'Our shared learning is embedded in memory, history, and story through courage, wisdom, and local Indigenous perspectives'. At the whole school gathering BEST students participated in a traditional powwow led by the Sage Hills Drummers and dancers. We learned about some of the dances and traditions surrounding them and were able to ask questions at the end of the performance. In their learning spaces the students learned about one of the Seven Grandfather Teachings- courage. To have courage is to face your foes with integrity, and do what is right even when the consequences are unpleasant. Courage is represented by the bear. The mother bear has the Courage and strength to face her fears and challenges while protecting her young. Team Awesome watched a video then talked to their friend about things they are afraid of and what they do to help themselves get through a scary situation. All of the children completed a bear template with an incident illustrating when they showed bravery to add to the Wall of Courage by the library. The Day of Sucwentwecw is a day to celebrate and acknowledge one another and we would like to think that we at BEST do just that every day and not solely on the Day of Sucwentwecw.
Mrs. Bowden &