As before, the lessons are guidelines and Mrs. Farber and I appreciate anything you choose to do from them. We are striving to provide you with plenty of options while still maintaining our mandated BC curriculum and keeping in mind we are delivering a limited services model which is by no means exhaustive.
A reminder that the Headsprouts program should be done independently by your child- they should require no support from you. If you are finding that they are asking for a lot of help and it is too difficult for them to complete on their own, it is possible the placement test put them at a level that is too high. If you find that this is so, contact me and I will have them start at level 1, which will help them gain confidence as they are successful with the easier levels and the difficulty will increase incrementally as they proceed.
I am loving the home learning photos you are sharing with me via the blog! The children all look so happy to be spending their days at home, with their first teachers- you.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns please contact me.
Be well. Be safe.